Dionaea m. “Jersey Devil” Potted
Dionaea m. “Jersey Devil” is an exciting cultivar selected from a cross of two huge flytrap cultivars; ‘Ginormous’ x ’BCP Titan’. We have several clones from this cross and all should be huge, fast growing plants with long teeth and arching traps! We haven’t grown them out to their full potential yet but they’re all sure to be monsters which is why we’re naming them all after famous monsters with ravenous appetites and huge reputations. Grow them out with us to see which monster will be the biggest!
"Jersey Devil" has proven to have some of the largest traps of any of the monsters!
PLEASE NOTE VENUS FLYTRAPS GO DORMANT FROM OCTOBER-MARCH during this time they appear quite small and grow few traps. They will begin to grow vigorously again in Spring. WHEN YOU ORDER THIS PLANT IN SPRING IT WILL ARRIVE SMALLER THAN THE PHOTO!
Care Instructions
Sun: Full sun outdoors
Water: Always sitting in at least two inches of distilled or purified water
Temperature: 20 degrees - 80 degrees, can even take temperatures from freezing to 100 degrees but only for short periods
Dormancy: All Venus flytraps require a winter dormancy starting in October and ending in February. Many of the traps will turn black and die back during this time. Leave them outdoors in full sun, sitting in distilled water during this period. If you live in an area that snows; over winter them indoors on a sunny windowsill in an unheated room or garage. Still sitting in full sun and distilled water.