Dewy Pines (Drosophyllum lusitanicum)
Dewy Pines (Drosophyllum lusitanicum) are an exception within the carnivorous plant world. Far from being a denizen of the swamp, the dewy pine is native only to limited areas of Portugal, Spain, and Morocco and prefers a Mediterranean climate with mild wet winters and hot dry summers. These stunning plants emit a strange honey smell to draw in prey and, when grown outdoors, are always encrusted with the black carcasses of foolish insects. They produce lovely yellow flowers.
Ours, here at the nursery survive light frosts down to 25 degrees at night. Young plants may sit in trays of water, but as they mature, less water is preferred, especially in the summer. In most of California, they may be grown outdoors year-round. While these are probably not a plant for beginners, the mature specimens are wonderful to behold and well worth the effort.
For more information on how to grow these plants check out our dewy pine growing tips. For information on how to pot up your plant when you receive it from us, check out this video: