Seed Pack Dionaea m. “Australian Red Rosetted” (12 seeds/pack)

$ 9.99

Dionaea m. “Australian Red Rosetted” Seed Pack (12 seeds/pack)

Dionaea m. “Australian Red Rosetted” is a wonderful, iconic-looking Venus flytrap. The red interior of the traps is highlighted by the bright green of the leaves, low growing, on wide petioles. These plants form beautiful rosettes of traps, sometimes growing taller traps in summer.

These are open-pollinated, meaning the plants have been pollinated naturally, without our help, in our substantial botanical collection of select Venus flytrap cultivars. Venus flytraps are temperate plants and will have the best germination rate with a period of cold stratification. They can take many, many months to germinate. Sometimes, they will sprout within days, but taking a few months is more common. We’ve seen them take as long as a year!

Check out our seed-sowing tips here and on our YouTube channel to achieve the best results! 

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