Nepenthes hamata x truncata Potted

$ 99.99
Size: Small
We are so excited about this hybrid! Nepenthes hamata “Tambusisi” x truncata “Pasian” combines the infamous fanged peristome of hamata with the equally sought after and impressively gigantic pitchers of truncata

These are from assorted clones in tissue culture, BE-4564.

Care Instructions
Sun: Grow on sunny windowsills with at least three hours of direct sun, in greenhouses, or in a terrarium with fluorescent light
Water: Water with distilled or purified water frequently, do not let the pots sit in water for long periods of time but be sure to keep the potting medium moist all the time
Temperature: Daytime temperatures in the 70’s-80’s with a 10-20 degree drop in night temps
Dormancy: none needed

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