Sarracenia flava v. rubricorpora Tissue Culture Potted

$ 12.99
Size: Small

This is one of the best color varieties of Sarracenia flava!  The entire pitcher body is dark red with a dark red throat, the top of the lid and the lip remain green for a beautiful contrast. The pitcher colors develop and darken over the course of the spring and summer.

These are beautiful little flava var. rubricorpora; all a single clone mass produced in tissue culture and selected for gorgeous color! Great red flava on a budget! We brought them in as rubricorpora but we have our suspicions that they may lean more towards the stunning atropurpurea either way, these are gorgeous all red plants!

Care Instructions
Sun: Full sun outdoors
Water: Always sitting in at least two inches of distilled or purified water, they prefer deep saucers of water or undrained containers in order to recreate their very water logged conditions
Temperature: 15 degrees - 100 degrees, needs protection from colder winters and always keep very wet when hot
Dormancy: All Sarracenia require a winter dormancy starting in October and ending in February. Many of the pitchers will turn brown and die back during this time. Leave them outdoors in full sun, sitting in distilled water during this period. If you live in an area that snows; over winter them indoors on a sunny windowsill in an unheated room or garage. Still sitting in full sun and distilled water.

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